973-252-9140 NJ
440-961-0841 OH

I was at the hair salon, minding my own business, taking vanity selfies and participating in my many artist and marketing groups (because it is all about engagement…not just LIKES). I had tried to get on the wifi, but couldn’t, so I was using my new UNLIMITED DATA PLAN to comment on posts and read other peeps’ stuff. Then the IMPOSSIBLE happened!

***************FACEBOOK WARNING********************

“We have detected unusual activity in your account and your account’s security may have been compromised. Please click on the link and we will ask you to verify your identity and will tell you how to protect yourself.”

Note: the message looked like an official message from Facebook, and I was scared.

Did I get hacked?
Had I posted something perceived as nudity?
Was this a pfishing site (where some evil-doer impersonates Facebook to gather my personal information…and then wreak havoc on me, til I throw all my devices in a pile and burn them)?
Was Facebook legitimately trying to protect me from some untoward disaster?
Had the BIG BROTHER who watches over the internet finally decided that photos of older women with foils in their hair were in fact UNIMPORTANT drivel and would no longer be tolerated?

Thankfully, the stylist called for me (at least then I knew it wasn’t the zombie apocalypse) and even though I had tried to verify my identity in 4 different ways, and then, change my password, I never really got the “go” sign that all was well. Until two hours later, when I tried to post the finished results of my salon trip. Then I got the worst message of all:

“Due to irregularities, your FACEBOOK account has been locked and you will not have access for 24 hours!” WHAAAAAAAT?

This could happen to you!

What if you can’t post, comment, like, or share anything…not even your new hairdo, let alone your business promotion or your daily painting challenges, because FACEBOOK has SHUT YOU DOWN?

I have been using FACEBOOK to promote my courses, my expertise, my videos, all of my earth-shattering marketing messages, and also to share accolades for the individuals in my Accelerate Your Success Facebook Group. For Pete’s sake, I even use the tool to approve membership in my own group, on FACEBOOK itself. None of this could be done on that fateful day.

I found other ways to pass the time, as I had a guest. My virtual assistant (more like genius assistant) came to Cleveland this weekend on business and we did the #1 thing you do in Cleveland: visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Belinda has chickens (for fresh eggs) at her home, and she LOVES them. While touring the Museum we talked about the concerts we had been to, the music we grew up on, a little bit of business, and her chickens. (After all, I have no idea how to raise chickens, I would have to wing it.) They are truly beautiful (see Annabelle, to the left), and the chickens became a living, breathing “moral” to the marketing story I am sharing. So like the chicken that only crossed the road halfway, I am gong to LAY it on the LINE.

This business rule really came home to roost in the 24 hours I was off of my favorite social media.

You ready? (Cue Barnyard sounds)

Here it is:


That’s it…insightful, yes? Let me explain.

You do not own your social media outlets…not even your business page, or your YOUTUBE channel, or your LINKEDIN profile! All great things to have if you intend to “connect” your way into the heart of your ideal clients.

You can totally use these outlets to promote your business and share your expertise. But there is a reason they are all FREE…you don’t control them! If any of those media giants wants to shut down for a week, a month or forever, what will you do? The panic is real, people! If I hadn’t had out-of-town company and taken the whole day off, I would have ripped my hair out for sure. Which would have been a real shame since it was just cut and colored so nicely the evening before…
…sorry I digress.


  1. Have a web site where you own your domain name.
  2. Control the passwords and administrative controls of said website
  3. Collect all the names and contact info. of your clients, prospects and interested friends, family and fans in one (preferably) electronic location that you can back up.
  4. Start developing an email list of these same people so you control the conversation.
  5. Use that list to stay in touch with your fans in a way that YOU control.
  6. Be aware that only a tiny percentage of your fans/followers/page-likes sees anything you post, and THAT is out of your control. FACEBOOK specifically blocks your fans from seeing your posts!

Is it awful? YES. Can you determine who gets to see what? Absolutely NOT (that would take all the mystery away).

Is it because they are mean and evil monsters? NO (..at least not that I know of). Is it because they want you to pay for ads? YES. Is it a hindrance to sharing your superpower? NO, not if you know what to do.

What should you do? I just gave you egg-celent ideas.

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