973-252-9140 NJ
440-961-0841 OH

If you are an event planner, start here

Up Up and Away: Balloon Safety

A few years, I was asked to showcase my company at a local zoo for a regional meeting of event planners. I was to provide a sample of all of the services we offered, especially the body painting. Two models were to be painted up to match the new carousel, which had an attractive special… Continue reading

A Nude Awakening: Body Painting for Special Events

Today a friend on Facebook sent me an article about the Naked Bike Race in Philly, or was it San Francisco, or St Louis? I forget, I’ve seen them all! For 15 years I received every clip from every naked bike race that appears on the Internet. Why?  I am a face and body painter,… Continue reading

5 Tips On Booking Live Music For Your Special Event

“We’re having a party” the memo read. The boss has asked you to book the live music. Don’t panic! It’s not as daunting of a task as it seems. Here are a few tips to make the process a bit easier. Tip #1: Assess The Guest List Base your choice of live music on guest… Continue reading

Are you the IDEAL client you want to have?

Several years ago I took a one year “breakthrough” class from a Marketing Guru, named Michael Katz, of Blue Penguin Development.    I learned a lot about myself, my clients, what they thought of my company, and what type of business I wanted to have for the future.  A big piece of this was defining who… Continue reading

Please Insert Exact Change and Push Button For Your Selection

Don’t turn your entertainers into robotic vending machines…personal interactions make for better memories. My dad lives in a retirement community called Independence Village. It is a very social place with structured games, entertainment, themed mealtimes and field trips to keep residents out of their apartments and active. In December, I participated as a vendor at… Continue reading