I recently graduated from a course about networking and developing referral partners, called ConnextNation. It was 10 weeks of classes with homework, sharing with like minded entrepreneurs, and learning from a master “connector” named Debby Peters. You can find more about the course here. I was named Star Student at the end of the class and won a prize (for those of you who don’t know me…over-achievement is my M.O. for EVERYTHING). But in addition to that, all of the students in the class received a beautiful, matted, framed diploma, and a personalized LED name tag.

For those of you who are unfamiliar, an LED name tag contains a rechargeable battery, and an LED screen which, when activated, lights up, enabling the name tag to be read easily in a darkened room. I was thrilled to receive this graduation gift, since the teacher of the course had worn one every session, and I was very impressed by the professional, upscale look of her name tag in contrast to the sticky-backed, handwritten paper ones you see so often.
So of course from the moment I received it, I wore that name tag all day. Even to a networking event at a sangria and tapas bar that evening. When I walked in, the place was well-lit, so I let my unlit name tag subtly introduce me. But later, when explaining the class to some interested colleagues, I decide to show off this unique tool and hit the “power on” button on the back of the name tag.
Immediately the LED screen lit up and began flashing “Diane Spadola” in my colleagues’ faces, extremely bright, extremely fast, like a STROBE light. I was shocked, they took five steps backward, and all of us let out a collective gasp! Memorable? yes. Unique? oh yeah. And able to initiate a seizure in anyone who had a neuromuscular disorder. What a shock!
This made me think about how social media is used in our business to increase awareness, memorability and uniqueness. Some of the social media posts in our industry seem to reach out of the screen and slap me upside the head. Repetitive bragging, reposting, multiple images of the same design is NOT valuable content. Some business posts seem to be targeted to personal agendas, designed to shock.
Let’s agree…causing an epileptic seizure is never a good thing, when you can avoid it, and having it be caused by a marketing tool or social media post, brings the kind of brand recognition YOU DON’T WANT.
10 Hints for Going Social in Your Marketing
- Goals– figure out whether you want to increase awareness of your company, find new customers, showcase your services, announce a new product, solidify your expertise, or offer a sales promotion. Be specific and write it down.
- Find Your Audience– this differs by goal, so be smart to figure out where your target audience hangs out. Corporate customers are on LINKEDIN, and do-it-yourself Moms utilize PINTEREST. Reach them where they are…don’t expect them to be on all platforms.
- Be Prepared– learn how each platform works and what type of content each platform is looking for. Learn how to use hashtags. If you need help, look through tutorials and advice groups or reach out for help (perhaps from me…you can get a free half hour consultation by clicking HERE)
- Get on Multiple Platforms– especially if your goals target different audiences or specific results. Change up your posts/headlines/images for the different platforms and customers, in case the same person follows you on multiple social media.
- Start Slow-then build as your proficiency grow on each type of social media. It’s better to do one platform well, than to do all of them poorly, and then quit due to overwhelm. Trust me, it is easy to become overwhelmed especially if your Facebook Page posts are only reaching 2-10 people when you have hundreds who “like” your page.
- Make Friends– social media is just that, social…so use it to connect. But understand that connection demands a 2-way relationship, give and take. Listen and reply to comments on your content, and then like, listen and comment on others in return.
- Be Relevant and Engaging– don’t just feature promotion, (it’s not all about you, it’s about the customer). Enhance your messages with images or video to spark interest and increase your engagement.
- Limit Yourself– do not OVERPOST! For many businesses, a post or two a day on Instagram and Facebook is enough, Twitter can handle 2-4 posts a day, a single post daily for LinkedIn (and never on the weekend) is max. Stick to your goals and try to represent your brand…DON’T be the entertainer with the FLASHING IN YOUR FACE NAMETAG!
- Add Value- link to interesting articles or content from other experts in your field. It is just as valuable to be a “curator” of content, especially if you don’t like to create or write your own.
- LINKs to Your Website– make sure that your social media profiles are on your website, so your fans can easily click and follow your social media posting. Vice versa is true as well, as all of your profiles should contain a link back to your web site. Don’t have a web site? Click here to see why it is important. Social media helps you to stay in front of your customers and prospects on a regular basis, your web site is where they learn to be raving fans!
“People don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it..”
Simon Sinek
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