Last night I attended a networking event for ILEA Cleveland, the International Live Events Association {side note,we used to be called ISES, for the International Society of Event Specialists, but we needed to change that…eek). This event was designed to kick off our new programming year, and as such, there was a certain ‘electricity’ in the air.
The event planning market here is small, but very busy since the city we live in is jumping with newfound popularity. If you haven’t been to Cleveland in the last five years, you haven’t been to Cleveland…since NOW the city is alive with sports, theatre, great restaurants and the arts. I love it, and I have found that my clients are grateful to have an entertainer that is energized about the area and recent relocation here. Each event I do becomes a mutual love fest, with comparisons of why northeast Ohio is so great.
But I digress. Each of these ILEA meetings has a photography sponsor, since the events industry is a visual one, and we record everything, for future social media marketing and membership recruitment. The photographer this evening was assembling a large bunch of people into something that could be used later as a fun group photo. The people in the group were all smiling and laughing (even before the photographer was ready), and seemed to really enjoy brushing up against each other. They clearly had been sitting at the FUN TABLE!
They were having such a great time laughing, enjoying each other and seemed so enthusiastic about what they were doing, that I wanted to jump right in with my big smile and glittery face! I yearned to be a part of the fun they were having, and then have it recorded by a digital photographer so I could relive the happy moment as a festive memory.
As I headed over, I realized that the group was comprised of two partners, and all of their employees. Yes, they ALL worked for the same company! I stopped in my tracks (even though I secretly wanted to photobomb them still).
I don’t know how to describe the camaraderie…like a well-trained cheerleading squad, all smiles and loving each other, but working together to create a wonderful combined TEAM activity and RESULT at that moment.
I have to admit, I was envious and felt isolated working as a solo in my tiny face painting company. I began to think about what made them special. Read on to learn what you might be looking for in a vendor partner for your event.
Let me introduce you to these fun people from L’Nique Specialty Linen Rental.
L’nique’s Team
L’Nique Specialty Linen Rental was named a 2017 Small Business Magazine Smart Cultural Nominee, as well as a multi-year Top Workplace Award by The Plain Dealer, including a first place recognition in the Small Business division in 201. Not too shabby for a little company that started in a garage.
The product page on their web site focuses on just three things:
Exclusive Variety
Flexible Delivery
The three very things that their ideal customers need. Every paragraph speaks of customer service and a willingness to work with you.
This sentence is the first heading on the “about us” page on their web site:
The L’nique Showroom
“Passion for Doing it Right”
It made me think about passion in the workplace…not that kind of passion, silly. But the passion for a job well done, and the desire to really make the experience a GREAT one for the client, at all touch points. From the smiling faces of their great staff, to the cooperative working relationship of the partner-owners, right on down to the can-do attitude and tenure of the staff on the warehouse floor. This company has it going on!
It emotes from their very pores… and as a result, not only do their competitors want to be like them…they might want to BE them.
Not only do their clients want to work with them…but they really wouldn’t CONSIDER anyone else.
Not only do I want to photobomb their staff photo…I want to know how to help them in their next event. (Shoot, if I ever decide to quit face painting, you know where to find me).
Surrounded by color and textures, GLITTER! SEQUINS! and spirited colleagues, it’s like they are a living, breathing rainbow! It’s no wonder they have been so successful.
Table “Look” for a Charity Event
So, when you are planning a party or an event, or a meeting, is it too much to ask for the very best to partner up with you and make it a special event? I imagine that L’Nique has its VIP clients like any other business. But the cool thing is that it seems like you could be a tiny client (with only a small set of linen needs, but nonetheless crucially important to create the overall “event ambience” you desire), and yet, you are just as important to the L’Nique crew as their biggest gala host.
A vendor that brings the same passionate problem-solving capabilities to your event whether it is big or small, is EXACTLY who you want as a partner! Don’t let the representatives of any entertainment company fool you into thinking that your event is not big enough (or too big) to warrant outstanding service, or additional creative design ideas.
Every party, every host is important before, during and after the event.
Make sure that you are getting the personal service, creativity, professionalism, customer CARE and passion for excellence that you deserve.
OH, and if you need a tablecloth (or two, or 25), you can get in touch with me….and I will steer you to the right people.
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